The operation of the Biomass Exchange in Sweden has commenced. "Svebio", an organization operating in Sweden and uniting heat suppliers and biomass sellers, has become a partner of "Baltpool".

The new partner, Svebio – Swedish Bioenergy Association, will encourage Swedish buyers and sellers to join the Exchange and conclude contracts there. We are currently modelling the system to ensure convenient trade for Swedish biomass suppliers and consumers. We hope to conclude the first contracts in Scandinavia at the beginning of the new heating season. … Skaityti toliau

Ministras Pirmininkas: 2016-04-19 darbotvarkė

2016-04-19 08:15 interviu LRT radijui 10:00 dalyvaus tarptautinėje bioenergijos konferencijoje „Nordic Baltic Bioenergy“ (Konstitucijos pr. 20, Vilnius). Vėliau Vyriausybės vadovas dalyvaus Seimo posėdyje.