A fracture every 3 seconds worldwide. That’s osteoporosis

October 18, 2019 – Geneva, Switzerland Marine fractured her spine while bending to help her disabled mother. Lo Lan broke her hip after tripping over a loose carpet in her home. Both women have something in common. They were unaware that they had osteoporosis, the disorder which causes bones to become weak and as fragile … Skaityti toliau


October 19, 2018 – Geneva, Switzerland Osteoporosis, a disease which causes bones to become weak and fragile, is the cause of broken bones in approximately one in three women and one in five men aged over 50 worldwide. Spine (or ‘vertebral’) fractures are the most common osteoporotic fractures – with one new fracture estimated to … Skaityti toliau

Fractures due to osteoporosis threaten seniors’ independence

  October 20, Geneva, Switzerland – Picture available at http://www.presseportal.ch/de/nr/100021616/bild – It’s invisible, and it’s dangerous. Osteoporosis, which causes bones to become weak and fragile, only reveals itself when a bone breaks. In older adults that first ‘fragility fracture’ is often a broken wrist, or sudden back pain due to undetected vertebral fractures. Sadly, the … Skaityti toliau

Don’t underestimate the danger of osteoporosis, warns IOF

Nyon, Switzerland, October-20, 2016 Today, on World Osteoporosis Day, the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) urges all adults to be alert to their risk for osteoporosis, a ‘silent’ disease which causes bones to become fragile and break easily. People with osteoporosis can suffer broken bones as a result of a mere bump or fall from standing … Skaityti toliau

Love Your Bones: Protect Your Future

IOF Launches 2016 Global Awareness Campaign for World Osteoporosis Day Nyon, Switzerland, June 20, 2016 – The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) launches a call to action for this year’s World Osteoporosis Day (WOD), celebrated annually worldwide on October 20th to promote awareness of osteoporosis. Under its theme of Love Your Bones: Protect Your Future, WOD … Skaityti toliau