Panika veikia miegą, prastas miegas – imunitetą. Kaip galime sau padėti?

Šiandieniniame visuotinės pandemijos kontekste susiduriame ne tik su susirgimo grėsme, bet ir aplinkoje tvyrančiu nerimu, nežinomybe bei panika. Tiesa, nerimaudami dėl ateities, savo ir aplinkinių sveikatos, patys sau susikuriame kiek paradoksalią situaciją: panika ir baimė neigiamai veikia mūsų miegą, o prastas miegas – silpnina imunitetą. LONO ekspertai ir GERO MIEGO KLUBO ambasadoriai ragina neleisti nerimui … Skaityti toliau

Sono Motors launches a unique investment campaign

Munich, 25th of August 2017. Sono Motors launched a unique investment campaign. On Seedrs and WiWin, investors can now acquire shares of the tech-start-up and/or grant loans to the company. Previously, the Munich based company had introduced the Sion, an innovative and cost-efficient battery electric vehicle (BEV), with solar integration, suitable for everyday use. With … Skaityti toliau

Sono Motors is presenting the solar car "Sion" in Munich for the first time

Munich – During their release event, the startup Sono Motors presented its solar car Sion. More than 700 guests from politics, industry and the press were invited. The Sion has a range of 250km and retails at 16,000 €, without battery. The battery can either be purchased in a one-time transaction of less than 4,000 … Skaityti toliau